Visiting Phase 2

H. Hollywood Rd South to Grasslands View

Picture H1

H1 - Abandoned Ministry of Environment trout rearing pond makes for a wonderfully diverse aquatic wetland.




H3 mission creek
H3 - Mission Creek canyon from the Friends Bridge.

H5 Cedars Bridge
H5 - Bridge 2 ("Cedars Bridge"). Western Red Cedars grow in this area because of the moisture Mission Creek provides.

H7 - Looking down on Bridge 3 ("Smoothing Stones") while hiking up
to the Grasslands.


Picture H2


H2 - Bridge 1 (The “Friends” Bridge). For the Friends
of Mission Creek - the volunteers who dreamed
this trail and then made it happen.

H4 Forest

H4 - Rare cedar forest. You might think you are on the West Coast of BC.

H6 - Chase property. Future site of Regional District of the Central Okanagan access to the Greenway, parking and picnic area.

H8 - Hiking down from Grasslands.